Get ready for Girl Scout Cookie season

It's almost time to start testing our willpower with our New Year's Resolution to eat healthier. Are you strong enough to resist the Thin Mint? I'm a Caramel Delight kind of person, so the temptation is strong, however there is a new cookie that's coming out this year. It's the Raspberry Rally. It's basically a Thin Mint, but Raspberry. I'm doomed.

Well, diet, it was good while it lasted.

Girl Scout Cookies will start tempting Springfieldians around February 11th.

Check out the cookie finder. Click the link, enter your zip code and it will tell you where you can find cookies near you.

Who knew that Billy Corgan is the owner of the National Wrestling Alliance?

I sure as heck didn't. but that's pretty cool though.

Click the article to read more about it.

White Castle merch for the White Castle fan

If you're a fan of White Castle then you NEED to see this. There's a bunch of stuff that you can buy - a lot of cool stuff... check it out!

"Smell my finger" has a whole new meaning

If someone comes up to you asking you to smell their fingers and their nails are painted in these colors, don't freak out! It's legit! There is a Cheetos scented nail polish that you can now find at Claire's stores. I mean, why not. We lick the cheese powder off our fingers anyway, why not have nails that smell like Cheetos too?


This haircut could send you to the Super Bowl

Von Miller's haircut. It's a triangle. What the fuuuuhhhh.

But, you do you, boo. If you want a triangle haircut, you go and get it, and if you do, you can enter a contest from Dorito's and if you're chosen as the winner, you'll get 2 tickets to the Super Bowl. Click the link for more details on how to enter this contest,

"Triangles have always represented a path to enlightenment and revelation to me, and it's no secret Doritos are the ultimate triangles," -Von Miller


Warming Shelters Are Now Open On Cold Nights

Cold weather is coming to the Ozarks.  Warming centers and shelters will be open for the homeless and less fortunate.  The warming shelters are open between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. from now thru March 1, if temps overnight are expected colder than 32 degrees..

Here is a list of those shelters for both men and women and families if you are in need.

East Sunshine Church of Christ 3721 E Sunshine 417-408-8076 Men’s Shelter open when the temperature is 32 degrees F or below. Call ahead to ensure there is space.
Grace United Methodist Church 600 S Jefferson 417-869-0765 Women’s Shelter open when the temperature is 32 degrees F or below. Call ahead to ensure there is space.
Asbury United Methodist Church 1500 S Campbell Ave 417-865-1335 Adult Shelter open when the temperature is 32 degrees F or below. Pets welcome. Call ahead to ensure there is space.
Unity Church of Springfield 2214 E Seminole St 417-887-2214 Adult Shelter open when the temperature is 32 degrees F or below. Call ahead to ensure there is space.
The Connecting Grounds 4341 W Chestnut Expy 417-986-2552 Family Shelter. Pets welcome. Call ahead to ensure there is space. Shelter open November 1-March 31.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1609 N. Summit Ave. 417-869-3646 Men’s Shelter open the two coldest nights of the week when the temperature is 32 degrees F or below. Call ahead to ensure there is space.
Revive 66 3839 W Chestnut Expy 417-894-1167 Adult Shelter. Pets Welcome. These are normally $10 to rent but are free on nights when the crisis cold weather shelters open.

Gifts for the food lover or the weird person in your family

With Christmas right around the corner, what do you get person who has everything?  I bet you they don't have Hidden Valley Ranch PJ's or a  Taco Bell Burrito Blanket



This one doesn't really have anything to do with the holidays, but if you or someone you know is getting married, you can always register at Domino's

Super Nintendo World opens Feb 2023

Attention fans of Super Nintendo.... start booking your trip to Universal Studios Hollywood! A new Nintendo experience opens February 2023!

This is news to me, but I guess they already had one in Japan, but at least this new one is only a 4 hour flight away!


Glenn Danzig wrote songs for Johnny Cash & Roy Orbison

I honestly had no clue that Glenn Danzig wrote songs for Johnny Cash & Roy Orbison. I love it and I'm here for it. Click the link to read this great article and to hear the songs.


Introducing the Twisted Sister Makeup Collection

If you wanna rock, you have to look good doing it. Rock & Roll Beauty has given us collections from Ozzy, Def Leppard & Jimi Hendrix, and now we can paint our faces like Twisted Sister.



Click the link below for more details