C. U. Next Tuesday Podcast

Join Leslie and her friends for a some raunchy girl talk in the See You Next Tuesday Podcast. We discuss everything, so be prepared!


Warning: This podcast has adult language on full blast.


Q Rated R

"Q Rated R" is a LIVE Podcast performed at Marty's Sports Bar in front a live audience featuring Baden as the Host, and is joined by his band of misfits as they tackle taboo subjects, and make fun of everything under the sun.. all while not having the typical radio restrictions.

It's basically all the crap we can't do, say or talk about on air, with audience participation and giveaways. Gloves are off! Time to laugh your asses off and RAGE! Foul Mouths, Dirty Minds, Good Times, it's Q Rated R.

Shooting the Shit with T.J. Miller

TJ Miller has been in a ton of things! Deadpool, how to train your dragon, Big Hero 6, Ready Player one, Silicon Valley. but before all that and to this day, he’s a hilarious comedian!

TJ dropped by the Q studios today to talk about everything with bade… and I mean everything..

The “New Normal” for now. Stitched Up Hearts Survival skills

2020 was hard for everyone, but its easy to overlook the struggles of the entertainment industry.. bands, techs, etc.. all people who make a living doing live shows have had it the worst. However These creative types have found ways to utilize their time and keep the band alive by providing more online content, and in a lot of cases live stream.


Baden Catches up with his ol pal “Mixi” of Stitched up Heart on what they’ve been doing to adapt to the ‘New Normal” as a Band

with a supportive management staff and a fire in their bellies, they’ve been able to not only keep their brand alive, but supplement income from their live streams to continue to make a living being in a band!


Straight to the Source of the COVID Vaccine

Feeling uneasy about the Covid-19 vaccination? Thats, ok.. In a world where you don’t know which information source to trust, and the media “if it bleeds it leads” reporting style, it can be hard to sort out the facts.

In this interview, Baden goes to a very reliable source.. science!.. from an actual scientist! Meet Ben Cromwell, a professional chemist and a year out from getting his Phd!

Ben has some pretty interesting friends and contacts in the science community that are on the front lines of developing this vaccine and just wants to educate and reassure everyone he can! (he’s an awesome dude)

Royal Bliss helps the kids in the Ozarks



Baden talked with Neil of Royal Bliss about their donation to this years unique version of toys for tickets.

Baden Interview with Corey Taylor


Baden talks with Corey Taylor about his solo project, remembering concerts, and some well spoken advice from a man that’s done it all!

Nothin' But 90's

Nothin' but 90s! 9 hours of 90’s every Saturday from 10 am to 7 pm.

Throw on your flannel, Dr. Martens, and join us every Saturday for 9 hours of Nothin' but 90s on Q102!

Thanks to our Nothin' but 90s sponsor, Greenlight Dispensary!





Baden Interview with Maria Brink

Baden catches up with In this Moment Front women Maria Brink! New album, different life style and great advice! check it out

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